Android Live Preview: Leia Remote 2
Live Preview 3D Content without needing to make builds with our Leia Remote 2 app.
Download using the link above. Delete any older version, if present
Set Unity build target to Android under File > Build Settings
Set Unity Editor Game Window resolution to device resolution.
2560 x 1600 for Lume Pad 2
Drag the Leia Remote prefab into your scene. Assets/Leia/Extensions/LeiaRemote/Prefabs/LeiaRemote.prefab
Press play and Leia Remote 2 will open automatically.
Streaming Mode
Quality: We recommend leaving your Steaming Mode to Quality for best 3D Preview.
Performance: In case you have a large scene, you can tweak the streaming options to increase framerate at the code of visual quality.
Black Screen After Several Uses
We have periodically noticed this and are investigating the issue. Until this is resolved, our temporary solution is to close and reopen the Leia Remote 2 app.
Error: InvalidOperationException: Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided
Leia Remote cannot find your Android SDK Path, Set in Edit > Preferences > External Tools.
Confirm your Android SDK Path is set up correctly. This can be tested by building anything to Android and confirming on a device.
If Solution 1 does not fix your issue, manually set your Android SDK location in the Leia Remote script (Assets/Leia/Extensions/LeiaRemote/Scripts/LeiaRemote.cs, inside function SetupADBPath()
Example (If Android Studio is installed):