The world's best 3D movie rental service.
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The world's best 3D movie rental service.
Last updated
LeiaFlix is a movie rental service that lets you to stream movies from Hollywood studios directly to your Lume Pad. Movies on LeiaFlix can be rented by paying a small fee. When rented, you can play the 3D movie an unlimited amount of times for 48 hours.
To play a movie, you simply browse the catalog on the application's home screen, where you can select the bundled movies, the highlighted movies of the week, the recently added films, or a few select genres.
If you'd rather choose by genre, LeiaFlix enables you to do so by providing you with a way to select the genre such as Action, Comedy, or Animated, and the application will only show you movies that belong to the selected category.
LeiaFlix also allows you to search the catalog, so you may search by title, director, actors, and any of the information associated with each movie.
Once you have selected a movie you will be presented with the particular details of that film, and then you can watch the trailer for free, or rent the movie and begin streaming it right away.
This service is only available in the United States and its territories.