Supported Filetypes in LeiaViewer

LeiaViewer supports various 3D model file formats.

Supported File Types

LeiaViewer supports the following file types:

  • ‌FBX

  • OBJ

  • STL

  • GLB

  • GLTF

File Recommendations

  • The file size limitations in LeiaViewer are impacted by the number of triangles, polygons and vertices of each model

  • If your model is not loading, it may be too large to open in LeiaViewer. in this case you should try to reduce the facecount to under 100k.

  • You can do this by going into Blender (a free app) and using the decimate tool.

  • You may also want to adjust texture size down to 4K or less in Photoshop

  • Recommend upper limit for facecounts: 100k

  • Recommend upper limit for file sizes: 50MB

  • Recommend upper limit for textures: 4K resolution or less

If there is problem loading a 3D model on your device:

  • Send us the model file

  • Describe the problem (is it a crash, is there an error modal, did the model fail to load?)

  • Is the center of rotation correct

‌Importing Models

  • To import models, tap the + button in the top left corner to open the file browser

  • The file browser will automatically surface all of the model files located on your device

  • For model types like FBX and OBJ, your textures will need to be siblings of the model file.

  • STL doesn't have textures, so its a single model format. Just load the model by clicking on it in the file browser

Uploading OBJ & OBJ instructions

  • OBJ and FBX are the same, but you need to make sure any textures that come with model are in same directory as the model itself

  • sometimes they come with a separate textures folder, you need to move all the textures into the top level directory that contains the OBJ model

  • once all the files are in the right place, just tap the OBJ model in LeiaViewer file browser


  • Animations are not in a separate file, they are a part of models themselves

  • Animations are usually included in GLB, GLTF, FBX model files already

  • They will be shown when you open the model in LeiaViewer file browser

Last updated